Sunday, July 17, 2011

Internet Daily Chapel for Week Of July 17, 2011 - Featuring "The Only Sin Is Not Loving Your Neighbor As Yourself." - plus much more.

Internet Daily Chapel for Week Of July 17, 2011
Featuring "The Only Sin Is Not Loving Your Neighbor As Yourself." - plus
much more.

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By Rev. Bill McGinnis, Director -
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Worship Service, Featuring "The Only Sin Is Not Loving Your Neighbor As
Yourself." - plus much more.

Everything here is in the Public Domain, free for all people to use
without restriction, except verses from the Revised Standard Version Bible
(RSV), which are copyrighted and used by permission.


Welcome to the online worship service at Internet Church Of Christ. Here
is a good place to worship our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. You are
invited and are welcome at any time. Blessings to you in Him.

Opening Song
"Faith Of Our Fathers"

A Service Of Christmusic At



Faith of Our Fathers

Frederick W. Faber, pub.1849
v. 2-3 alt.
Copyright: Public Domain


Main subject: Faith

Scripture: Hebrews 11:1-2

Music: St. Catherine

Henri F. Hemy, pub.1864

Faith of our fathers, living still,
In spite of dungeon, fire, and sword;
Oh, how our hearts beat high with joy we hear that glorious Word!

Faith of our fathers, holy faith!
We will be true to thee till death.

Faith of our fathers, we will strive
To win all nations unto thee;
And through the truth that comes from God,
We all shall then be truly free.

Faith of our fathers, we will love
Both friend and foe in all our strife;
And preach thee, too, as love knows how
By kindly words and virtuous life.

Notes above courtesy of =>
More about this song at =>
More songs like this at =>
... and at =>


O Lord, we come together in Your name,
And as You promised, we know You are here.

We now invite You to reveal Yourself,
And share with us Your presence, openly,


In Jesus' holy name we pray, Amen.

If you are a new Christian, we invite you to visit our page at

The Lord's Prayer
with MP3 audio file

The Lord, Himself, taught us to pray like this . . .

Play Prayer Here =>
Reading by Rev. Bill McGinnis - Public Domain

The Lord's Prayer

Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy Name,
thy kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory,
for ever and ever. Amen.

Source: Book Of Common Prayer, based on
Matthew 6:9-13

You can hear the Lord's Prayer on an MP3 file by clicking on This MP3 file, and
the text on which it is based, are in the Public Domain, free for all
people to use without restriction. As always, permission is granted to
link to any of our files.

Declaration Of Faith
The Apostles' Creed
This historic affirmation of faith comes to us from the early centuries of
the Christian church.
MP3 audio file at - free,
Public Domain

I believe in God, the Father Almighty,
Maker of heaven and earth:
And in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord;
Who was conceived by the Holy Spirit;
Born of the Virgin Mary,
Suffered under Pontius Pilate,
Was crucified, dead, and buried;
He descended into hell;
The third day he rose again from the dead;
He ascended into heaven
And sitteth at the right hand of God the Father Almighty;
From thence He shall come to judge the quick and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit;
The holy catholic church; *
The communion of saints;
The forgiveness of sins;
The resurrection of the body;
And the life everlasting.


* Note: "catholic church" here means the entire body of
believers in Christ, not just one particular church.

Featured Segment . . .

The Only Sin Is Not Loving Your Neighbor As Yourself

By Rev. Bill McGinnis, Director -

Treat Others As You Would Like To Be Treated, because What You Do Comes
Back To You.

The only sin is not loving your neighbor as yourself.

If it is true, as Jesus taught, that all of God's Law is embodied in the
Golden Rule . . .

"Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to
you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets."
(Matthew 7:12 KJV)
NOTE: He says, "this is the law," not, "this is required by the

. . . and if it is also true, as Paul taught, that love for others
fulfills all of God's Law . . .
"For all the law is fulfilled in one word,
even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour
as thyself." (Galatians 5:14 KJV)

. . . and if it is also true, as John taught, that sin is the
transgression of the Law . . .

"Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is
the transgression of the law." (1 John 3:4 KJV)

. . . then it must follow that . . .

If we love our neighbor as ourself, will we commit murder? No, because
committing murder is the opposite of love. If we love our neighbor as
ourself, will we commit adultery? No, because adultery is an offense
against the spouse. If we love our neighbor as ourself, will we steal? No,
because stealing is an offense against the lawful owner. And so on with
other offenses: acts become sins only if they work against love for

Therefore, we should throw away all of our "lists of sins" and concentrate
instead on the one thing that is truly important to God: we must love our
neighbor as we love ourselves.

This is "The Doctrine Of Radical Christian Love," which is explained more
fully at "The Doctrine Of Radical Christian Love,"

But what about other sins? Doesn't Paul talk about sins of the flesh,
those against our own bodies? What do these have to do with loving our
neighbor as ourself?

One explanation is that these aren't really sins (unlawful things) but are
merely things which are not expedient or helpful to us. This is my own
understanding of them.

But even if these "sins against our body" are true sins, they are covered
or forgiven if we truly love our neighbor as ourself. Any sin whatsoever
is covered or forgiven if we truly love our neighbor as ourself.

"For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly
Father also will forgive you; but if you do not forgive men
their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your
trespasses." (Matthew 6:14-15 RSV)

Galatians 5:14 (RSV)
For the whole law is fulfilled in one word, "You shall love your
neighbor as yourself."

Romans 13:8 (RSV)
Owe no one anything, except to love one another; for he who loves
his neighbor has fulfilled the law.

Romans 13:9 (RSV)
The commandments, "You shall not commit adultery, You shall not
kill, You shall not steal, You shall not covet," and any other
commandment, are summed up in this sentence, "You shall love your
neighbor as yourself."

Romans 13:10 (RSV)
Love does no wrong to a neighbor; therefore love is the fulfilling
of the law.

James 2:8 (RSV)
If you really fulfil the royal law, according to the scripture,
"You shall love your neighbor as yourself," you do well.

Proverbs 10:12 (RSV)
Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses.

1 Peter 4:8 (RSV)
Above all hold unfailing your love for one another, since love
covers a multitude of sins.

Blessings to you in Jesus Christ our Lord,

Rev. Bill McGinnis <><

# # #
See more pages like this, at our Index of Pearls Of Faith, a treasury of
Biblical truths.

Bible Readings - Updated Automatically Each Day

New American Bible (with notes and links) -

Daily Light On The Daily Path -

National Presbyterian Church (USA) -

"All The Way My Saviour Leads Me," - by Fanny J. Crosby
ALL THE WAY MY SAVIOUR LEADS ME - by Fanny J. Crosby, 1875
- Public Domain -

All the way my Saviour leads me;
What have I to ask beside?
Can I doubt His faithful mercies,
Who through life has been my guide?
Heav'nly peace, divinest comfort,
Here by faith in Him do dwell;
For I know whate'er befall me,
Jesus doeth all things well.

All the way my Saviour leads me,
Cheers each winding path I tread;
Gives me strength for every trial,
Feeds me with the living bread.
Though my weary steps may falter,
And my soul athirst may be,
Gushing from the Rock before me,
Lo, a spring of joy I see.

All the way my Saviour leads me,
O the fullness of His love!
Perfect rest to me is promised,
In my Father's house above;
When my spirit, clothed immortal,
Wings its flight to realms of day,
This my song through endless ages:
"Jesus led me all the way."

MP3 audio file at =>
- free, Public Domain

Prayer For You
"Go Ahead And Give Yourself To Christ"

NOTE: When you read this prayer, try to imagine hearing my voice as I
speak it to you. In this way, the prayer is reactivated, and it
the same as if I were actually praying for you at that moment.
(Just like television prayers are reactivated when you watch
them, although the videotape may have been shot years before.)

Perhaps you are a Christian even now,
You go to church and try to do your best,
You try to put His teachings in your life,
But still you do not feel that He is yours.
You do not feel the closeness that you crave.
If this is you, then say this prayer with me:
* * *
O Lord, I want you closer in my life,
I want you more to be a part of me.
I want the best relationship with you,
That anyone on earth could ever have.
I know that, "as we give, we shall receive,"
And so I now do give myself to you,
In full completeness, holding nothing back.
I'm yours, so you may use me as you will,
And take whatever things you want from me.
And now that I did give myself to you,
I pray that you will give yourself to me,
As bridegroom gives himself to his new bride.
In Jesus' holy name I pray, Amen.

by William McGinnis
Public Domain

Holy Communion
A ceremony for Holy Communion is available to you HERE! -
If you are alone, you will needed to be both "Leader" and "Assembly," as
described in the ceremony.

How To Find A Real, Live Church
An online church is better than no church at all; but it is even better
for most Christians to actually belong to a real, live church, with real,
live people. Then, you can have your real church PLUS your online church,
so you gain the benefits of both. You can find a church for yourself by
clicking HERE! -
Invitation To Accept Jesus Christ As Your Personal Lord And Saviour

Closing Song
"I Would Be True"
Other music video at =>

More about this song at =>
More songs like this at =>
... and at =>


I pray the Lord that He will lead your path
Away from the temptations all around.
I pray that when temptation lingers near,
The Lord will lead you not into its reach.
But if temptation grabs you as you pass,
I pray the Lord that you will struggle free.
In Jesus' holy name I pray, Amen.

Blessings to you in Jesus Christ our Lord.
This chapel service is now complete.

Rev. Bill McGinnis

Pastor -
Director -

Please stay in touch with us . . .
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We are . . .
A service of . . .
God's one law for all mankind: "Love All People As Yourself."

"Start Each Day The Positive Way," at Internet Daily Chapel - Christian
daily worship service and practical guide.
