Sunday, July 14, 2013

"How To Enjoy Other People" - Featured At Internet Daily Chapel For Week Of July 14, 2013

"How To Enjoy Other People" - Featured At Internet Daily Chapel For Week Of July 14, 2013

Internet Daily Chapel: Christian Worship Service And Personal Helper
Featuring "How To Enjoy Other People"
For Week Of July 14, 2013 and beyond . . .

Keywords: How To Enjoy Other People A Mighty Fortress Is Our God The
Lord's Prayer Daily Bible Readings The Apostles' Creed Original Prayers
And Blessings For All People "For Courage When You Need It Most"
Deliverance From Demons Practical Christian Life How To Forgive Other
People Personal Ministries Christian Civics A Ceremony For Holy Communion
You Can Accept Jesus Here And Now What A Friend We Have In Jesus

Web Page By Rev. Bill McGinnis, Pastor -
Director -

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"Teaching Faith In Jesus And Love For All People"

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How To Enjoy Other People

By Rev. Bill McGinnis, Pastor -
Director -

God Wants Us To Love One Another

Enjoying Other People Is A Big Part of Loving Them

The common experience of mankind is that if you enjoy someone, it is easy
to love them; but if you do not enjoy them, then it is hard to love them.
So we see that enjoying other people is a big part of loving them.
Therefore, if we want to love other people, it is very helpful -- maybe
necessary -- for us first to be able to enjoy them. So we need to seek and
find enjoyment in other people.

This is not really very difficult to do, once we start to think about it.
Here's how . . .

How To Enjoy Other people
Here are four things to do, which will help you enjoy other people . . .

1. First, set your mind on doing it. Recognize that God wants you to enjoy
other people, not only because He wants you to be able to love them, but
also because He loves you and wants you to have more enjoyment for
yourself! So you have God's complete permission to enjoy other people,
maybe far more than you ever imagined.

2. For every person you encounter, try to find at least one thing about
them which you enjoy. Examples: beautiful face, sweet smile, pretty eyes,
sweet voice, pleasant mannerisms, graceful movements, nice hair,
intelligence, ability with words, ability to fix things, creative
personality, good personality, comforting presence, generosity, ability to
solve problems, personal leadership skills, good sense of style,
attractive body parts, good attitude with children, helpful personality,
good intentions, nice smell, attractive clothing, good attitude with other
people, sincerity, honesty, etc. If you find more enjoyable things about
them, go ahead and list them in your mind.

3. For each thing you enjoy about that person (above), please think of a
complete sentence which expresses your thought. For instance, "I enjoy
watching her smile," or "I enjoy the pleasing sound of his voice." Then
say that sentence out loud, to yourself. Or better yet, tell it to someone

4. If there are things you do not enjoy about that person, do not express
those thoughts in words, because that would make you think about them even
more. But instead, think to yourself one of the following explanations:

"Maybe they can't help it." or

"Maybe they have their own good reasons for being that way." or

"Maybe they don't realize what they are doing."

In other words, give them a good excuse for whatever it is that you do not

If you will do these things, you will be well on your way to developing
your love for others, as well as increasing your own personal enjoyment in
your life.

A Blessing For You, The Readers Of This Page

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Welcome to you, in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Please also see and receive "Two Blessings For You," at

1. - Invocation - Inviting The Lord To Be With Us

Holy Spirit, Lord be with us,
As we join to give You praise.
Share with us Your loving presence,
Fill us with Your perfect ways.

Let our love for You be pleasing,
Everlasting, pure and free;
Let our praise bring joy unto You,
Welcome may it always be.


by Rev. Bill McGinnis,
Public Domain

More invocations at =>

2. - Opening Song


MIDI music file at =>
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3. - The Lord's Prayer - with Music Video and MP3 reading

4. - DAILY BIBLE READINGS - Updated Automatically Each Day

5. - Declaration Of Faith: The Apostles' Creed - with MP3 reading

6. - Prayer4You - Original Prayers And Blessings For All People

"For Courage When You Need It Most"
More prayers like this at =>

Also see our Deliverance From Demons page at =>

How To Enjoy Other People

7. "How To Enjoy Other People"
(Also shown separately at the top of this page)

8. - Practical Christian Life: Day-To-Day Living With The Lord

Exhortation For Today: "Willingly Embrace Whatever God Gives To You"

Excerpt From "Uniformity With God's Will,"
by St. Alphonsus de Ligouri, 1755
Public Domain
"Willingly Embrace Whatever God Gives To You"

Let us not lament if we suffer from some natural defect of body or
mind; from poor memory, slowness of understanding, little ability,
lameness or general bad health. What claim have we, or what obligation
is God under, to give us a more brilliant mind or a more robust body?
Who is ever offered a gift and then lays down the conditions upon
which he will accept it? Let us thank God for what, in his pure
goodness, he has given us and let us be content too with the manner in
which he has given it to us.

Who knows? Perhaps if God had given us greater talent, better health,
a more personable appearance, we might have lost our souls! Great
talent and knowledge have caused many to be puffed up with the idea of
their own importance and, in their pride, they have despised others.
How easily those who have these gifts fall into grave danger to their
salvation! How many on account of physical beauty or robust health
have plunged headlong into a life of debauchery! How many, on the
contrary, who, by reason of poverty, infirmity or physical deformity,
have become saints and have saved their souls, who, given health,
wealth or physical attractiveness had else lost their souls! Let us
then be content with what God has given us. "But one thing is
necessary," and it is not beauty, not health, not talent. It is the
salvation of our immortal souls.

It is especially necessary that we be resigned in corporal
infirmities. We should willingly embrace them in the manner and for
the length of time that God wills. We ought to make use of the
ordinary remedies in time of sickness -- such is God's will; but if
they are not effective, let us unite ourselves to God's will and this
will be better for us than would be our restoration to health. Let us
say: "Lord, I wish neither to be well nor to remain sick; I want only
what thou wilt." Certainly, it is more virtuous not to repine in times
of painful illness; still and all, when our sufferings are excessive,
it is not wrong to let our friends know what we are enduring, and also
to ask God to free us from our sufferings. Let it be understood,
however, that the sufferings here referred to are actually excessive.
It often happens that some, on the occasion of a slight illness, or
even a slight indisposition, want the whole world to stand still and
sympathize with them in their illnesses.

But where it is a case of real suffering, we have the example of our
Lord, who, at the approach of his bitter passion, made known his state
of soul to his disciples, saying: "My soul is sorrowful even unto
death" and besought his eternal Father to deliver him from it:
"Father, if it be possible, let this chalice pass from me." But our
Lord likewise taught us what we should do when we have made such a
petition, when he added: "Nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou

9. - Loving Others As Yourself

Practical methods for increasing and expressing your love for others.
" You Can Have Your Own Cellular Phone Ministry"
To learn more about Personal Ministries, please visit our website at

More about loving others as yourself at our website at =>

10. - Christian Civics: "Seeking The Greatest Good For The Greatest
Number, With Basic Rights For All."
Democratic Procedures
Democracy doesn't just happen all by itself; it has to be organized, or
else it won't work.
Please the "The Institute For Democratic Procedures" at,
for details at =>

11. - A Ceremony For Holy Communion
You Can Receive Holy Communion Here.

12. - Invitation To Accept Jesus Christ As Your Personal Lord And Saviour
You Can Accept Jesus Here And Now.

13. - Rededicate Your Life To Jesus Christ
If you are a Christian who has fallen away from the Lord, now is the time
to come back.

14. - Closing Song
What A Friend We Have In Jesus
Music by Charles C. Converse, words by Joseph M. Scriven. Original
arrangement and MIDI sequence by Bill McGinnis. Public Domain.

MIDI music file at

WHAT A FRIEND WE HAVE IN JESUS - by Joseph M. Scriven, 1855
- Public Domain

What a friend we have in Jesus,
All our sins and griefs to bear;
What a privilege to carry
Ev'rything to God in prayer!

O what peace we often forfeit,
O what needless pain we bear.
Just because we do not carry
Ev'rything to God in prayer.

Have we trials and temptations?
Is there trouble anywhere?
We should never be discouraged;
Take it to the Lord in prayer.

Can we find a friend so faithful,
Who will all our sorrows share?
Jesus knows our ev'ry weakness;
Take it to the Lord in prayer.

Are we weak and heavy-laden,
Cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Saviour, still our refuge;
Take it to the Lord in prayer.

Do thy friends despise, forsake thee?
Take it to the Lord in prayer;
In His arms He'll take and shield thee,
Thou wilt find a solace there.


Complete HTML web page at =>
More songs like this at at=>
Find Christian songs at our website =>

15. - Benediction

Blessings to you, whoever reads this message. May
you thrive and prosper in all things. May the One God,
Creator of all things, and His only-begotten Son,
our Lord Jesus Christ, guide you and protect you and
comfort you and love you, now and forever.


Anonymous, Public Domain

More benedictions at =>

Blessings to you in Jesus Christ our Lord.
This chapel service is now complete.

Rev. Bill McGinnis

Pastor -
Director -

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God's One Law For All Mankind: "Love All People As Yourself."

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